Huddle - 7:45am
If you have any patients on other floors, communicate with the intern what to discuss at the huddle
rotate 1 intern a week to go to huddle with the PHM attending at 7:45
Discuss watchers, discharges, planned trips off the floor
Be on time!
How to communicate about daily rounding schedule:
Every morning, the senior resident should send a cureatr to the three attendings and fellows with the numbers of patients on each service (e.g. AM has 4, Endo has 2 and PHM has 4). If an attending will not be able to round at their designated time, they will send a cureatr message to the other two attendings and the attendings will figure out that day’s rounding schedule.
All H&Ps (by interns OR sub-interns) require an independent brief senior addendum (.chamsenioradmit)
Sub-intern progress notes count as daily progress notes
Discharges summaries can be started and done by sub-interns but must be signed by a senior or intern
Transfers and their notes are done by seniors (.transferaccept)
Rapid response notes with reassessment within an hour of PMET - start new note -> rapid response template